
From Hi-5 World Wiki
Song of the Week: Hi-5 Farm
Puzzles and Patterns FelyS12E01.jpg Fely prepares everything she’ll need if she gets a puppy.
Body Move LaurenS12E01.jpg Lauren pretends to be a cat.
Shapes in Space StevieS12E01.jpg Stevie imagines being a goldfish to figure out what they need in their tank.
Body Move LaurenS12E01 2.jpg Lauren plays with clamshells.
Making Music TimS12E01.jpg Tim sings a song to make pets feel alright.
Fit Bit Tips FitBitTipsS12E01.jpg Tim and Stevie show the kids how to pet a dog.
Word Play CaseyS12E01.jpg Casey tries to communicate with Chats’ coconut pets.
Body Move LaurenS12E01 3.jpg Lauren pretends she’s a coconut.
Sharing Stories SharingStoriesS12E01.jpg Stevie shares a story about two sheep (Tim and Lauren) waiting to be sheared by Fely, the shearer. Then, a French poodle (Casey) arrives and takes on the role of a sheepdog. The hidden treasure is a red rake.